Dear friends,
I recently became aware of this project. Local resident Krista is putting together a project for Vancouver-Hastings and is currently recruiting households to join her. Please read the message below and consider getting involved:
Are you looking for ways to become more involved in your local community? Are you passionate about sustainability and preserving resources for future generations?
If so, then we have a unique opportunity for you!
Green Bloc Neighbourhoods
is a project that empowers a group of neighbours in Vancouver to reduce their ecological footprints through engaging in dialogue and communication, skill-building workshops, and community building activities and collective projects.
The project aims to connect individual action and community policy by providing direction for community groups and neighbourhoods looking for inspiration to support one another in creating safer, healthier, more sustainable communities.
Each neighbourhood needs to have 2-3 champions to engage 20 households to complete a daily survey for one week to measure overall ecological impact. Then everyone attends workshops to learn how to reduce their impact, and come up with some great community building projects or events. They then measure again a year later to see if there has been an overall, neighbourhood reduction in our eco-footprint.
This is your chance to advocate for your neighbourhood, engage your neighbours in this awesome project, get support for community events that support lighter living, and access funds through various grants such as the City of Vancouver Neighbourhood Matching Fund and the Vancity enviroFund™.
Hastings-Sunrise neighbourhood has a champion who is rallying community members who are interested in participating.
By signing up households agree to:
- Complete the program from May 2018 to March 2019
- Commit to at least one person from your household attending all three predetermined workshops (May 30, Week of June 25-29, Weeks of Sept 4-14)
- Complete the Ecological Footprint Survey at the beginning and the end of the project. Click here for a Survey FAQ.
- Work with their neighbours to design and implement a project over the term of the program.
If you aren’t yet convinced, check out this awesome video.
Please email [email protected] to get involved, we would love to have your support and energy in making our neighbourhood more sustainable!
Krista is gathering participants between now and Sunday, May 13th, so please consider joining in.